Results of the investigation
If essential results of the investigation are available which are important for accident prevention and which require immediate measures, the STSB draws up an interim report before the investigation is concluded, for the attention of the FOCA.
The investigation concludes with a report. The draft report is submitted to the parties and organisations concerned and the FOCA, with a period of 60 days for comments. If necessary, the draft of the final report includes safety recommendations to the competent authorities.
The Aviation Division of the STSB takes into consideration the comments and proposals of the parties and organisations making comments and of the FOCA, in so far as these are legitimate and justified. The resulting final report is reviewed and approved by the board.
Finally, the final report is published on the STSB's website and supplied to STSB subscribers in printed form.
As soon as the course of events of the incident under investigation is roughly known, the STSB publishes a notification.
If, during the course of the investigation, facts are uncovered which are useful for prevention and which may require immediate actions, the STSB publishes an interim report. An interim report usually contains recommendations for immediate action.
The STSB summarises the results of the investigation in a final report draft.. It is supplied to the parties and organisations directly concerned by the investigation and to the FOT for comments. If necessary, the final report draft includes safety recommendations to the FOT.
The STSB takes into consideration the comments and proposals of those directly concerned and of the FOT, in so far as these are legitimate and justified. The resulting final report is reviewed and approved by the board.
Finally, the final report is published on the STSB's website.