Glossar_PB_20241217.pdf Glossar Ve 17.12.2024 Schweizerische Sicherheitsuntersuchungsstelle Seite 1 von 7 A Aeroplane, Flugzeug AAIB Air Accidents Investigation Branch… File type: application/pdf Referenced at: Prevention bulletins on aviation
2024-06_Etude-remontees-mecaniques_BEA-TT_SESE.pdf Etude REX accidents remontées mécaniques ÉTUDE sur le retour d'expérience issu des enquêtes des bureaux d'enquête en Europe portant sur des… File type: application/pdf Referenced at: Special rail/navigation investigations and studies
Praeventions-Bulletin_2024_1_20241217.pdf Schweizerische Sicherheitsuntersuchungsstelle SUST Untersuchungsdienst 1/3 Präventions-Bulletin 2024/1 Die folgende Auflistung enthält… File type: application/pdf Referenced at: Prevention bulletins on aviation
Praeventions-Bulletin_2024_2_20241217.pdf Schweizerische Sicherheitsuntersuchungsstelle SUST Untersuchungsdienst 1/6 Präventions-Bulletin 2024/2 Die folgende Auflistung enthält… File type: application/pdf Referenced at: Prevention bulletins on aviation
2209.pdf Microsoft Word - Zusammenfassung Summarische Berichte 2013.docx Schweizerische Unfalluntersuchungsstelle SUST Service d’enquête suisse sur les… File type: application/pdf Referenced at: Special aviation investigations, studies and summary reports
Breadcrumbs Topics Reporting a Rail/navigation event Reporting a Rail/navigation event Reporting a Rail/navigation event If an event occurs and this event is notifiable according to the Swiss Ordinance regarding the Safety…
Breadcrumbs Topics Safety recommendations Safety recommendations Safety recommendations Aviation Safety recommendations constitute the response to safety deficits and shortcomings which have been raised in…
Breadcrumbs Topics Reporting an aviation event Reporting an aviation event Reporting an aviation event In accordance with Art. 23 of the Air Navigation Act (ANA) in conjunction with Art. 17 of the Ordinance on the…
Breadcrumbs Topics Results of the investigation Results of the investigation Results of the investigation Aviation If essential results of the investigation are available which are important for accident prevention and…
Breadcrumbs Contact Contact Contact Swiss Transportation Safety Investigation Board STSB Aviation division Aéropôle 1 CH-1530 Payerne Tel. +41 58 466 33 00 Rail/navigation…
Federal Council elects new president of the STSB On 27 November 2024, the Federal Council elected Mr Gery Balmer as the new president of the Swiss Transportation Safety Investigation Board…
SFAO report on the effectiveness of the STSB's quality assurance system On 14 August 2024, the Swiss Federal Audit Office (SFAO) published its report on the audit of the effectiveness of the quality assurance system…
Cable car study « Étude sur le retour d’expérience issu des enquêtes des bureaux d’enquête en Europe portant sur des accidents de remontées mécaniques » The cable car study "Étude sur le retour d’expérience issu des enquêtes des bureaux d’enquête en Europe portant sur des accidents de remontées…
Partial revision of the Ordinance on the Safety Investigation of Transport Incidents (OSITI) The Federal Council has adopted the partially revised Ordinance on the Safety Investigation of Transport Incidents (OSITI): Ordinance on the…
New member of the Board The Federal Council elected Mr Tiziano Ponti (1958) as a member of the extra-parliamentary commission of the Swiss Transportation Safety…