
New reports available on the website of the Swiss Aircraft Accident Investigation Bureau

Bern, 27.09.2010 - The following new investigation reports are available on the website of the AAIB Switzerland: Accident HB-XQA on 11.10.2004 at Grandvillard/FR Accident HB-ZGK on 18.03.2008 at Schwarzenberg/LU Accident D-MFFO on 25.07.2008 at Sarnen/OW Accident HB-ZGL on 02.08.2008 at Wittenbach/SG Accident HB-BUW on 08.12.2008 at Berneck/SG Accident HB-WAK on 31.05.2009 at Courtelary/BE Accident HB-1912 on 31.05.2009 at Gryon/VD


Swiss Transportation Safety Investigation Board STSB, Aviation Division

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Last edition: 10.09.2020